Tuesday 20 September 2011

Inside Job
·         Director is blaming bankers and government
·         Interrogative interview to get point across
·         American audience
·         Non fiction
·         Staged
·         Political
·         Intervention
·         Partially Informative and educational
Exit through the gift shop
·         Exciting, intriguing
·         Political voyeur
Gas land
·         Political story
·         One sided
·         Cross section of audiences
·         Intervention and observational
·         Informative slightly educational
Rest repo
·         Political stab at the government, persuasive
·         Very powerful, hits home
·         Narrow point of view
Waste Land
·         Token feel good Documentary
·         Interventional
·         Staged
·         Fictional in the sense it`s been created by the artist
The Lift
·         No particular angle
·         Light Hearted

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